Certificate in Contextual Leadership

Certificate in Biblical Contextual Leadership


The Certificate in Biblical Contextual Leadership program is designed for all who wish to increase their theological education and effectively apply scriptural truths to their life, work, and ministry. The Certificate program takes students through the story of the Bible in its historical, cultural, and geographic context (Biblical Narrative 1-2), as well as addressing their individual calling and leadership tendencies in Introduction to Contextual Biblical Leadership.

All Pillar degree programs begin with these classes, such that the coursework can be applied to both the MA and MDiv degrees.

Ideal Students

  • Non-ministry professionals, ministry professionals, and stay-at-home parents who need the flexibility but desire a richer understanding of the Bible, theology, and their own leadership capabilities.
  • Prospective students who would like a preview of the Pillar distinctives.
  • Church or ministry leaders who are interested in hands-on active learning.
  • Lay leaders (elders, deacons, small group leaders) in church who desire to be further equipped for servant leadership in any and every context.
  • Those who desire graduate-level courses but do not currently have the time or desire to enter a full degree program.


Our curriculum is designed to be cumulatively sequential and thoroughly contextualized through the lens of the ancient Near East and the students’ current ministerial realities. 


Biblical Narrative

Biblical Narrative 1

Students will learn the stories within the biblical narrative from Abraham to the beginning of the United Monarchy. This includes learning the geography of the stories, as well as understanding broadly the historical context in which the stories take place. Students are also introduced to concepts of historiography and current issues in historicity and historiography related to the biblical narrative. Importantly, students will acquire and exercise skills needed to discover the meaning of the stories in their immediate, local, and book-wide context. (3 credits)

Prerequisite: (none)

Biblical Narrative 2

This course continues where Biblical Narrative 1 leaves off. Students will learn the stories within the biblical narrative from the death of David to Paul’s arrival in Rome, including some Second Temple period material. This includes learning the geography of the stories, as well as understanding broadly the historical context in which the stories take place. Students continue to interact with concepts of historiography and current issues in historicity and historiography related to the biblical narrative. Students will also continue to exercise the skills needed to discover the meaning of the stories in their immediate, local, and book-wide context. (3 credits)

Prerequisite: Biblical Narrative 1


Contextual Biblical Leadership

Introduction to Biblical Contextual Leadership

The introduction to Contextual Biblical Leadership course is designed to align a student’s call, gifts, and leadership proclivities. During the semester, students will examine their own biography, spiritual gifts, and personality profile to gain clarity on their call and equipping. The examination is done with the professor and cohort as students learn to affirm who they are and how they are called to serve. This understanding is necessary in order to maximize their effectiveness in ministry, and thus a prerequisite to begin the “Biblical Leadership in Context” series. (3 credits)

Prerequisite: (none)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I audit a class?

If you are interested in visiting Pillar, we recommend attending a preview class. Our Certificate Program is the best place to begin your time at Pillar to see how classes can fit into your life. 

What platform(s) do you use for classes?

Each class has a dedicated Google Classroom and use Zoom video conferencing platform for our class time together.

What is the cost of tuition?

Please visit our How to Pay for Seminary page for more information on the cost of attendance. Students who cannot afford to pay full tuition may apply for financial aid. 

How does the student experience differ for certificate students?

Students in the certificate programs take classes alongside MA (Master of Arts in Contextual Leadership) and MDiv (Master of Divinity). Like MA and MDiv students, certificate students will benefit from small groups, interactive platforms, and engagement with professors.

Can my certificate credits be applied toward a degree program?

The 9 certificate hours can be applied to our other programs. Please reach out to our admissions team to learn more.

I have more questions. Who should I talk to?

Please reach out to our admissions team to discuss your goals. You can reach us here.

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