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I Pledge Allegiance

Redemption Church 8915 Timberside Dr., Houston

Part seminary class, part workshop, part happy hour. Join us for a unique night exploring what it means to follow Jesus in our contexts today. Dr. Dan Lowery, President and New Testament Professor at Pillar Seminary, will lead this two hour workshop exploring the Gospels which will include round table exploration, discussion, and free wine. You will also learn about the ministry and work of Pillar Seminary and ways that you can partner with us as we continue equipping leaders in the classroom, the church, and the Kingdom. The night is free to all! But we’d love to know how many people to expect, so please RSVP today!

A Song of Love and Protest

Join us on a free, three-week study of the Song of Songs with our faculty! Delivered to your inbox weekly. Sign up below.

Pillar Seminary Golf Classic

Annual Fundraising Auction