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Dr. Scott Booth – Israel Trip and Dig

Follow Dr. Scott Booth on Facebook or Instagram @scottwbooth as he and his son travel around Israel and spend time digging at the Abel-Beth-Maachah excavation. What might they discover this year? What new sites will they see? Frequent posts will tell about their adventures. See some of the videos posted below: Day 1 of the Dig: Morning  — What are they working on and what are they hoping to find out? Day 2, End of Day Day 4, Breakfast — "The big whopping goose egg" Big Picture — The story of the site through the lens of the Bible Day 6, Breakfast — What they know... what they are still figuring out Sick Day — Checking out another site while distancing from others

Guest Preaching – The Table Community Church

The Table Community Church 6011 W. Bailey Boswell Rd, Fort Worth

Hello DFW! Come worship with The Table Community Church in Fort Worth on Sunday, July 10, as Pillar Seminary's President, Dr. Dan Lowery, is guest preaching that morning. Services are at 9:00 and 10:30. The Table Community Church  

A Song of Love and Protest

Join us on a free, three-week study of the Song of Songs with our faculty! Delivered to your inbox weekly. Sign up below.

Pillar Seminary Golf Classic

Annual Fundraising Auction