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Dr. Scott Booth – Israel Trip and Dig

Follow Dr. Scott Booth on Facebook or Instagram @scottwbooth as he and his son travel around Israel and spend time digging at the Abel-Beth-Maachah excavation. What might they discover this year? What new sites will they see? Frequent posts will tell about their adventures. See some of the videos posted below: Day 1 of the Dig: Morning  — What are they working on and what are they hoping to find out? Day 2, End of Day Day 4, Breakfast — "The big whopping goose egg" Big Picture — The story of the site through the lens of the Bible Day 6, Breakfast — What they know... what they are still figuring out Sick Day — Checking out another site while distancing from others

A Song of Love and Protest

Join us on a free, three-week study of the Song of Songs with our faculty! Delivered to your inbox weekly. Sign up below.

Pillar Seminary Golf Classic

Annual Fundraising Auction