November 22, 2021 2023-05-26 12:30History

Founded in 2014 in Omaha, Nebraska, Pillar Seminary began as an exercise in asking what could be different about training leaders in the Church. Drs. Eric Smith and Scott Booth were responsible for the founding and early development of the institution, adding a small governing board and staff along the way. Dr. Smith served as the President and Dr. Booth served as the Academic Dean, in addition to their teaching duties

Bishop Donnell J. Moore was recruited in 2015 to shape the Leadership program, and in the same year, the institution made the decision to teach all classes through the flipped class model (on which, see below in “Distinctives”).

Dr. Dan Lowery was hired in 2016 to teach New Testament courses.

The institution made the decision to be entirely digital, taking every class we offered fully online.

In 2020 Dr. Lowery was appointed the second President of the institution. The board was greatly expanded.

Dr. Beth Currier was hired to teach Old Testament courses in 2021.