Kibera Children 2
Student Stories


Francis Mwangi

Francis Mwangi, one of the church leaders from Compassion International Kenya taking Dr. Moore’s pilot leadership course, grew up in Kibera, the largest slum in Nairobi. He left his job in cinematography to go back to pursue ministry in community development in Kibera because of his passion for the people. 

He told us, “I grew up in the slums and didn’t realize I could change the face of where I live.”

Francis is involved with a couple of different initiatives. One is Drop the Gun where he is fighting crime with the Word of God. He has had 14 men who were living a life of crime turn in their weapons as a result of this initiative, working to make the community safer and to bring the salvation of Jesus to these men.

The other focus area for Francis is with ministry to the children in Kibera. He works with a center that provides a safe place for children to spend time. They can come to do homework, get food, be a part of a mentorship program, and of course hear God’s Word. Through this ministry, he is seeing the lives of young people in the community really being changed.

“I’m so happy because I get to be a part of something that I have been lacking.”


Francis with children

Joy exudes out of Francis. You feel it in his warm smile and in his conversation. You immediately sense the power and influence he has in this community bringing the love and warmth of Christ to those who desperately need it.

Francis shared how grateful he is for the leadership course Dr. Moore is teaching, “I’m so happy because I get to be a part of something that I have been lacking. Every single class in the disciple-making unit gave me things to implement in my ministry with the children, and the classes on worship and devotion have been a complete game changer for the work I do in Kibera.”

Dr. Donnell Moore took on the challenge of creating this non-credit leadership course to enrich the lives and ministries of men and women serving Christ’s kingdom all around Kenya. When approached about the need for this program, we were told these leaders are born again, called by God to serve, are serving, but they need training. 

“The excitement is contagious!” commented Dr. Moore after just a couple of weeks of class. “They are learning so much and asking really great questions.” There is no doubt that God is using this class to impact the lives of these students and in return, impact communities for eternal gain.

Pillar was excited to step out in faith and start this program to equip leaders in the church all over Kenya. If you would like to help keep this program alive, consider giving a gift and choosing the “CI Kenya Partnership” in the drop down menu for gift designation. With over 450+ church leaders, the need is great!

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