Summer Drive

Summer Drive 2024

Help us reach our goals

$100,000 total gifts

15 new monthly donors

Financial Aid

Master of Divinity student Ryan Franey

Lower direct costs to students
  • About half of our students apply for financial aid each semester.
  • Pillar has budgeted almost $70,000 for financial aid during the 24-25 school year.
  • We award financial aid to all those who demonstrate real financial need.
Student Testimonial

“Your gifts are having an immense impact in the Kingdom of God, as it has allowed ministry leaders to be equipped to bring the Gospel to the next generation of Christ-followers. Your material blessing is reaping 100-fold in spiritual blessing.” 

—Ryan Franey

Driving Down Student Cost

Operating with students in mind
  • Generous donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations keep the cost to students low.
  • Most students pay less than half the true cost of their education.
  • Tuition accounts for less than 40% of our estimated operating revenue.
Student Testimonial

“Thank you! There is no tangible way I could have experienced this learning at this optimum level without the generosity of the many donors who give generously for someone like me to persist through towards my degree.”

—KJ Chambers

Headshot of a man

Master of Divinity student KJ Chambers

Pillar Institute for Non-credit Learners

Compassion International logo and Pillar Seminary logo
Serve the global church
  • Pillar will continue its Biblical Leadership Bootcamp in partnership with Compassion International, Kenya, in Fall of 2024.
  • Pillar will train 40 Kenyan ministry leaders during the next year. Click here to learn more about this strategic partnership.
  • Lunchtime Seminary will train as many as 100 learners.

Additional Information

For further information, please contact Pillar Seminary’s Director of Development, Lauren Lowery.

Send checks payable to Pillar Seminary to:
6311 Ames Ave., #1111
Omaha, NE 68104

Pillar Seminary Golf Classic

Annual Fundraising Auction